
Upcoming events

Past events

Heart to Heart

Women gather in a safe environment to share their stories, empower each other and overcome fear , shame and past hurts holding them back. These sessions are held in a safe, non-judge mental environment allowing for open discussions as you hear from remarkable women who have been through life changing experiences. Click to read more about Heart to Heart. 

Women in leadership conference

Our women In leadership Conferences focuses on bringing keynote speakers and workshops from seasoned leaders to empower, equip and support women who want to increase their knowledge , expertise, influence and personal growth.
Through the conference women gain mentorship and access to finance for their Business. We are committed to the advancement of women’ visibility, Financial literacy and access to opportunities.
Empowering women into leadership for us means strengthening her finance, her health, her safety and access to opportunities. Click to see more of our Women in Leadership  initiatives.

Feminism in the 21st Century

As part of International Women’s Day 2019 we held a panel discussion in Collaboration with Fora, a Co-working Space. The discussion was on Feminism in the 21st Century. We explored what Feminism is, the role, the future and how men and women can work together to bring about change and equality.  
The conversation was thought-provoking, highlighting much controversy and the changing narrative of Feminism over time. Read More 

This International Webinar will Focus on Corporate Social Responsibility towards Modern Day slavery Vulnerability. You will hear about lived experience from Speakers and Organization working with Victims of Modern Day Slavery. We will also discuss about ongoing research and share practical guidance for Businesses. Click for more info

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