Chelsea spent over 15 years in luxury & lifestyle hotel operations management and leadership throughout the U.S. She transitioned her operations expertise and combined it with her love of connecting, communicating and building teams to coach and consult in hospitality and start-ups. BIOTess Cox & Associates LLC, (TC&A) is
Harriet Khataba
Yvonne Kaye Ph.D. MSC. is an international speaker with subjects ranging from Spirit Soaring, Laughter Roaring, to post traumatic stress disorder and bereavement. She is a Storyteller, Addictionist, Thanatologist, Care-sharer,veteran radio talk show host, Interfaith Minister, author, columnist, keynote speaker/trainer for corporations. Her work is eclectic and appropriate for all
REV. EDIE WEINSTEIN, MSW, LSW Is a Love Ambassador, Opti-Mystic & Bliss Mistress Edie delights in inviting people to live rich, full, juicy lives. She is an internationally recognized, sought after, colorfully creative journalist, interviewer, author and editor, a dynamic and inspiring speaker, licensed social worker and interfaith minister, BLISS coach,
when you wake up each day, what is the first thing that comes to mind? do you hope for things to turn out to well, are you excited about the day? what do you anticipate for each day or even every moment? When we were younger, parents/ teachers always asked