D.C Gomez is an award-winning USA Today Bestselling Author, podcaster, motivational speaker, and coach. Born in the Dominican Republic, she grew up in Salem, Massachusetts. D. C. studied film and television at New York University. After college, she joined the US Army, and proudly served for four years.
D. C. has a Master’s Degree in Science Administration from the Central Michigan University, as well as a Master in Adult Education from Texas A&M- Texarkana University. She is a certified John Maxwell Team speaker and coach, and a certified meditation instructor from the Chopra Center.
One of D. C. passions is helping those around her overcome their self-limiting beliefs. She writes both non-fiction as well as fiction books, ranging from Urban Fantasy to Children’s Books. To learn more about her books and her passion.
What experiences during your childhood have made the biggest impact in your life?
I was born in the Dominican Republic (DR). My father used to travel back and forth from DR to the states. When I was ten and a half, my mother, two brothers and I joined him in the states. That transition completely changed the course of my life. I went from being a Dominican child to having two cultures, learning another language and starting a brand-new life.
What is the biggest failure you have had to overcome and what did this failure teach you about yourself?
One of the hardest experiences of my life was getting divorce. At that time, I felt like a total failure. Guilt, shame, and self-loathing plagued me. While my ex and I parted in cordial terms, I lost my self-esteem and believed I wasn’t worth loving. It took years, but eventually I learned forgiveness. In order for me to heal and follow my dreams, I had to learn to forgive myself. To let go of those limiting beliefs and find the courage to see the goodness in myself and those around me.
What has been your proudest moments?
This is such a hard question. As a writer, seeing my first book in print is still one of the best moments of my life. But the proudest moment would have to be my graduation from Basic training (U.S. Army). Nobody in my life, or even people who knew me, believe I would make it through a week of training, nevertheless, to graduate. I wasn’t physically active and was terrified of guns. That one accomplished helped me to see that anything was possible if you focused yourself enough.
What is your biggest inspiration as a writer?
My biggest inspiration is connecting with readers and talking about books. The first time I discussed my books with a reader at an event, I was mind-blown. As an avid reader myself, I get excited talking about my favorite books with others. Realizing that I had created characters that readers love and want to talk about is humbling and overwhelming. My inspiration is to continue to create stories that people will love and get lost in them.
As a seasoned writer, what advice would you give someone thinking of writing their first book?
To any aspiring writer, my advice would be to do it afraid. At times, our fears hold us back. The fear of what people will think, if people will like the book, if we are good enough, and so many others. Don’t wait for the day that the fears go away to follow your dreams. That day might never come. Take the leap my friends, follow your dreams and do it afraid.
Please share one of the limiting beliefs have you overcome?
One of the limiting beliefs I had to overcome was questioning my talents as a creative being. The imposter syndrome can attack many of us and even paralyzed us. As creative individuals, we must be even more vigilant of those negative voices in our heads. When I stop looking for faults, and embrace the quirky, fun person that I am, things became so much easier. I learned to accept myself in order to overcome those beliefs.
What’s next for you?
I’m currently in the development process of my next novel. This is truly where I’m the happiest, when I get lost in a new story. The Traitor is the first full novel but book 2 in The Order’s Assassin series. I’m having a blast researching locations for this book and getting poor Eric and Sasha into more trouble.