In the previous publication, we discussed how our Minds are an untapped genius and the process of A.C.T. Assessing, Creating and Taking Action. The whole process is critical, once we have assessed and created a plan to take action on our goals and dreams, there is one extremely important detail
Monthly Archives: October 2019
Since the beginning of education, entering all levels of school to even attending college and beyond, we are taught how to gather, segment and rehearse information. From learning our ABC’s to algebraic expressions, repetition and practice have served us well. When we think about successful educators who made their mark
As a coach, I noticed that many of my clients come to me to improve their confidence levels. I decided to undertake a survey to understand what could be getting in the way of increasing confidence levels and what could help boost confidence amongst my clients. The findings were interesting:
Hi everyone, Ash here “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgementally” – Jon Kabat-Zinn Today we will be looking at pillar number 6 in the 7 Pillars of Mindfulness – Non-Judgement. When I sat down to consider what non-judgement meant to
So how do we move forward in this complex world? We need to create culturally competent and globally inclusive workplaces. We should all be able to work in environments where everyone can thrive, but to do that we need to lead the way and create them. Despite the consistent efforts