
Partner with us to make a difference in women’s lives

What we do

Collaborate and partner with organizations to end the effects of societal injustices against women and help them improve their economic status


Support women to  achieve economic stability, leadership, visibility and raise awareness of societal injustice against women and children.

Join our campaign

We coined the #ONEVOICE Campaign to unite women globally, sharing their stories and stance against societal abuse and injustices. Share your picture and tag us on social media, send us a video of you taking a stance against women’s abuse to be be featured on our medium. 

Our strategy

We partner with organisations and institutions to support women and enable communities to be self sustainable. 


Donate to our cause

Every donation counts, and we’re grateful for whatever you feel you can afford. A one-off donation is a fantastic start, but issues that women and girls face, like violence and poverty, are long-term problems, and they need long-term solutions. Regular donations mean we can commit to working with women and girls for as long as it takes.

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