Your Story Matters

Your stories can bring hope and healing to our collective community across the world. Please share with us your personal life story detailing how gender indifference changed your life, how you powered through obstacles, oppression, abuse to live into your true potential.
Please record, write and share your story. Be honest and allow your true self to shine. We want to know you and all of the passion in your life. This is your moment to tell “Your Story”.
Story Submission Guidelines
Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can share your video with us. Here’s how:
Turn on your video camera! Press the record button.
Record a video message.
Upload your video to your preferred source: YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and share the link with us.
- Add a TITLE and DESCRIPTION to your video
- Add “Her Story Matters” and then your name title
- “Share your story at”
- Create a full description to help search for your video
- Tag “#HerStoryMatters” and “#OneVoice
There is no wrong way to submit your story because every story matters.
If you do not wish to share your story publicly, that’s okay. Her Story Matters respects your privacy. Please indicate your wishes and share your story in writing in the form field below. We will contact you to discuss options about your wishes and privacy.