Your Story Matters
One of the most powerful tools we have is sharing our stories. Telling our story not only helps us understand what we have been through but can also become a source of strength and encouragement for others who can identify with these stories therefore turning past experiences into a form of empowerment.

Our Commitment
Here at Her Story Matters we are committed to sharing the stories of women to Empower and support women globally. So far we have shared hundreds of thousands of stories and reached millions Of women worldwide.
We want to continue to impact lives through storytelling and this requires more women to step forward and share their story so that we can continue to invest in propelling the voice of women.
If you would like to be a part of our global agenda to transform and empower women, please send us an email to
And include the following:
- Your full name
- Your email address so we can correspond with you
Support Her Story Matters
Every donation counts, and we’re grateful for whatever you feel you can afford. A one-off donation is a fantastic start, but issues that women and girls face, like violence and poverty, are long-term problems, and they need long-term solutions. Regular donations mean we can commit to working with women and girls for as long as it takes.