Welcome to the 17th Edition of Her Story Magazine. Our cover girl is Princess Dr. Badewa T. Adejugbe-Williams, an accomplished Educational Specialist, Educational Therapist, Director, Producer, Stage Manager, Actress and Model. She is an Educational Therapist (E.T.) in private practice and a Member of the Association of Education Therapists (AET) based in the United States of America and is currently the General Manager of the Abuja Film Village International Ltd, the Chair and Executive Director of the Nigeria Diaspora Summit Initiative (NDIS), founder of the Royal School of Educational Therapy Foundation.
Women Stories featured include:
Dr. Sharron Hinchliff, Alexandra Steed, Ashley Earley and Kaylee Boisvert
Articles by Audrey Tang.
Share your Story with Us
So far we have shared hundreds of stories through Her Story Magazine and have impacted thousands of women we have reached through this medium and those who have read the magazine.
We are committed to sharing women’s stories to unite, encourage, celebrate and recognise the milestones women have accomplished and to share over 1 Million stories by 2030 and we invite you to support us in this mission.
Therefore, if you would like to be a part of our global agenda to support women’s evolution, empowerment and Success please send us an email to publications@herstorymatters.com