Welcome to our 12th Edition of Her Story Magazine. Our front cover is Rev. Eddie Weinstein love Ambassador, Opti-Mystic & Bliss Mistress. She is an Internationally recognised sought after, colourfully creative journalist, Interviewer, author and editor, a dynamic and inspiring speaker, licensed social worker and interfaith minister. Edie is the founder of Hug mobsters armed with love, which offers FREE HUGS events worldwide.
Featured articles include: The saint Film by Coco Blignaut, Know your Tourist by Daniella Sachs, Out of the ashes by Yolanda Wade…
Stories featured : Huma Kirmani, Pirah Aijaz, Dr. Shauli Mukherjee and many more…
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So far we have shared hundreds of stories through Her Story magazine and have impacted thousands of women through this medium. We are committed to sharing women’s stories to unite, encourage, celebrate and recognize the milestones women have accomplished.
It is our mission to share over one million stories through Her Story Magazine by 2030 and we invite you to support us in this mission.
If you would like to be a part of our global agenda to support women’s evolution, empowerment and Success please send us an email to publications@herstorymatters.com