Abbie Stasior, is a Health and Life Coach, Nutrition Expert and a Tik Tok Star, along with being a Grad student at the University of Columbia in the USA. Her goal is to help people get real results and foster abundance in all aspects of their lives. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Neuroscience from Dickson College and she is currently getting her Masters in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology at the University of Columbia and she is working to become a Registered Dietitian.
More recently Abbie has grown significantly on Tik Tok and has been easily attracting clients, sales and filling her audience with joy! She’s also been booked to speak on a Tik Tok at her University and other speaking gigs.
How has your early life impacted your lifestyle choices?
While I come from a long family line of physicians and surgeons, the strongest influence in my life was my Grandfather; who was a pioneer in Ophthalmology and Eye Plastic Surgery. He’s remembered for so many things, but most notably his nutrition recommendations to patients as part of their eye disease treatment or condition management. Back in the day, it wasn’t common to receive nutrition advice as part of a healing plan; Most people didn’t see the connection between what we eat and how that influences our physiology. So I really feel that I picked up my affinity for preventive medicine, using nutrition as medicine, and holistic wellness from my Grandfather, Dr. Orkan Stasior MD.
How do you perceive the health industry will or has shifted due to the pandemic?
I see it shifting in three main ways. A lot of people gained weight during the pandemic, leaving them feeling vulnerable integrating back into society. That’s exactly the type of energy Diet Culture, the supplement industry, and “Get Fit Quick” solutions prey on. So I think we’ll continue to see a lot of marketing for products and coaching programs to help people shed their “Quarantine 15.” However, there’s also a population of people who, because of the pandemic, had to get resourceful to integrate health and wellness into their routine. Especially after gyms closed. I think a lot of people realized they were using their busy schedules as an excuse, and learned that it’s possible to weave healthy habits into their day. Thus, I believe that people who found healthy habits during the pandemic will work to keep that up post-COVID. Lastly, I see an increase in professionals urging the public to give themselves grace, which I love. Our bodies have endured a lot of trauma from the pandemic, which is why we should give ourselves grace and do things for our bodies that are nourishing and compassionate. I believe that’s a beautiful way to approach health and wellness in a post-pandemic world.
What are the hindrances to adopting a healthy lifestyle, especially for those with hectic lifestyles?
The main hindrance I see is our mindset. Many people approach health with an all-or-nothing mindset. Meaning, that most people believe they are only truly healthy when they are checking all the boxes, drinking enough water, eating clean, avoiding “bad foods,” and exercising vigorously. And when people aren’t perfect or “fall off the wagon,” they swing the other way and do nothing for their health. Basically, people are either “all in” or “all out.” And it’s impossible to be “all in” all the time with our health. Especially with a busy schedule! So this all-or-nothing mindset holds us back. Thus, I work with clients to shift their mindset from making perfection the goal. We work on making consistency the goal! Perfection and consistency are not the same thing! We’ll never be able to do everything for our health, but we can always do something for our health.
What have been your most trying moments in your journey so far and how did you look after your health effectively?
Right before the pandemic, in February of 2020, I was home in Albany, New York taking care of my previously mentioned Grandfather at the end of his life. It’s already mentally and emotionally difficult to care for a sick loved one, mourn their passing, plan their services, and be there for other family members, but I found it particularly difficult to handle all of this while also in graduate school at Columbia University full time and running my health coaching company. After my Grandfather’s funeral services, I went back to my apartment in New York City, just in time for midterm week, only to find out my already cockroach infested apartment also had bed bugs… So not only did I have to move out of my apartment and live in a hotel, I had to find a new apartment, study for my midterm exams, keep up with my health coaching clients and company operations, all while mourning the loss of my grandfather. Needless to say, I just couldn’t seem to catch a break.
During this time I relied heavily on my morning and evening routine. Each day I wrote in my gratitude journal and made time for meditation. While I was getting ready in the morning, I centered myself with a personal development podcast or Christian sermon.
I kept asking myself, “How would I advise a client who was in this situation?” I would remind them to make sure to care for themselves. Make the time. A mentor once said to me that in times of overwhelm, to remember “MRS”. MRS stands for Me first, Responsibilities second, and Serving Others third. We have to put our self-care first so that we can show up for our responsibilities as our best selves, and in the way our commitments and dependents deserve.
What has been the most successful moments in your career so far and how did this success translate health-wise in your life?
I am by far the most successful when I am taking care of myself, physically and mentally. I am successful when I am eating well, getting movement in, adequately resting, and keeping up with my morning routine of gratitude journaling, reading, and doing a devotional. By taking care of myself physically and mentally, I put myself in a high-vibe, energized state. I’m able to cultivate an abundance mindset, and am able to trust that I can reach my goals regardless of any roadblocks that arise.
Because of this mindset and these healthy habits, I was admitted into Columbia University for graduate school, I tripled my company’s revenue the first month of the pandemic (April 2020), and sold out all of our launches for 2020 and 2021.

Give us 3 tips on how TikTok can help Entrepreneurs build their business?
TikTok can be very casual! I think a lot of Entrepreneurs are nervous about the platform because they see it as another Instagram. But the truth is, because it’s such a casual platform you don’t have to have a curated feed. And you can be successful on TikTok without doing any of the dances — just be yourself and provide value!
It is not too late to get on TikTok! Trust me, it has never been so easy to go viral. It just takes consistency and testing; but it can help you to have a wider outreach without “working” for it.
Because most TikToks can be repurposed to Instagram reels, it can save you time when creating content. Since Reels are the main way to grow a following on Instagram right now, by creating TikToks you get to “kill two birds with one stone” — get started on a new platform and optimize the platform you’re already on.
What is your definition of abundance?
My definition of abundance is a feeling of overflowing joy and a sense of trust that you are and will be provided for.
What 3 healthy items do you always have with you?
My pink, gallon-sized water bottle! It’s excessively big, but it keeps me hydrated. It’s easily my favorite accessory!
Comfortable shoes! After being a ballet dancer for 14 years and suffering through pointe shoes, I vowed to always wear comfortable shoes moving forward! Plus, it encourages me to get more steps in.
My journal! No matter where I am traveling to, or how early my flight is, I will always set aside 2 minutes to journal.
What drives you?
Honestly, what drives me is my faith and my relationship with God. Waking up every day knowing that I am serving a larger mission, my own purpose, and helping others in this way intentionally pushes me to work harder, consistently show up, and be about being better!
What’s next for Abbie?
Next up I’ll be finishing my Master’s degree in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology! After that, I’m planning to complete my Dietetic Internship and officially become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, all while continuing to grow my online health and life coaching company, Be About Being Better!